Tuesday, February 07, 2006

chronically sleepless

I, Ian Chik, solemnly declare, that I, each day, will look more and more like the pandas (no offence to all animal lovers!), as I'm and chronically, and increasingly, lacking sleep. How many times can you do the head nodding dance, before the doctor notices you are actually sleepy? It's embarassing, to sit in front of the doctor who's giving the talk, and u nodding off and sleeping sitting straight up! Yeap. That's me. If I were to break any records at all , it would be for sleeping in any position. Sitting straight up without leaning on anything? Would be my latest record. Wow. The amount of time, money I would save if i could do this continously. Imagine travelling to foreign countries and not having to pay to stay in the hotel. Just go hide in some quiet and secluded corner of the hotel and dose of while sitting up. Awesome.

Right. As you can see, sleep deprivation also makes you speak of funny things. This are probably the look out signs and symptoms of the tired medical student. Yeap. The red flag for this, is when you sleep while 'reigning on you throne' in bathroom land. That's when you know, the coffee's no longer working, and it's time you go to bed.



Anna said...

Hmm...what an interesting diagnosis..."tired medical student". that should be a diagnosis that the medical world should recognize...On better note, at least you don't accidentally fart when you fell asleep...that would be more embarrasing :)

deb said...

the future of our medical system right here. wow. so comforting for us peasant folk. "the red one's connected to the blue one, the blue one's connected to my wrist watch... uh oh..." (crazy doctor from the Simpsons)

peasantboy said...

scary isn't it ? haha.... muahahahhaa... beware of anyone with the surname chik in the hospital :p

lishun said...

so...since you can sleep anywhere in any position, does that mean you have the ability to LITERALLY "sleep around"? *raises eyebrows*

Jonathan said...

ian its common esp to msian students it seems...though why locals dont seem to be as sleepy is beyond me

peasantboy said...

white ppl don't like sleep ? li shun. sleeping anywhere and around... is not quite the same i imagine...