Monday, April 02, 2007

relativity part 1

Relativity is such an interesting topic to talk about. Having discussed it over with a few people recently, and reading a book that talks about the corruption of today's morals, I can see more and more how relativity can be so dangerous.

It has been compared to the frog that has been placed in cold water put to boil slowly. It won't know it's too hot for itself until it's too late.

In modern day society, we want rules to govern certain things, to keep our property safe, to make sure we are not total barbarians. But soon enough we turn on this rules. Changes are made to suit today, because after all, certain things are not as 'wrong' or as 'scary' as once perceived.

It's okay to do a certain something ONLY because it is not as bad as this other thing.
The famous few lines are always: I'm not killing anyone, no one is getting hurt, I'm not stealing or robbing someone, hence it can't be bad right?

Because everything is made relative to another, it's acceptable. It's okay. No one should rot in hell for something as small as cheating the company's money. After all, the company is making millions, what's wrong if one were to take only 100k? (I wanted to use more drastic examples but decided against it)

There is more about relativity that I want to talk about. The next blog? Will be on: there is not absolute truth.

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

i actually wrote a long reply to your blog, but broadband locked up. Suffice to say I'm waiting eagerly for your next entry, and that i feel relativity is something all of us have a problem with.