Thursday, February 21, 2008

oh. we do choose...

Choice choice choice choice choice.

I've said it over and over again, and I'll say it again. We always have a choice. ALWAYS.
If that didn't ring in LOUD and clear, here it goes again:


We tend to forget many times, that we have a choice in everything we do. Past, present and future aside, in taking any steps, we are given a choice to follow.
The excuse, "but there wasn't any other way....", "I was too tempted...", "I wasn't given any other choice" is just plain weak.

Until the day your hands, legs, and body are tied to puppet strings, and is being controlled by a puppet master, please, PLEASE don't say, "I couldn't help myself".

I've made mistakes. Countless times.

I'm learning to not say I was forced into the circumstances. I made choices which I'm not proud of that led me to make that mistake. That won't be my last one.

BUT, as soon as I realize that I'm responsible for my mess, the sooner I work towards correcting it.

So please. I beg of you. Please don't blame the situation or surroundings you are in. Be responsible.


chongkz said...

Oh well...speaking of choices, do you believe in free will then? Or, determinism?

peasantboy said...

free will.

determinism, if u'd believe in it, would somehow, i don't know.... mean that u believe in perhaps a higher power? though if at all, not the kind i believe in.

free will is harder to 'control' than determinism