Saturday, January 28, 2006


Ah.. the end of Jan is coming. CNY is coming. And where am I? In the land that doesn't know chinese new year even exist. Let alone, knowing that lion dance is something that we (chinese) still do.
No sound of fireworks this year, no beating of drums, no visiting friend's houses, no good chinese reunion dinner, no NOTHING. Sad eh ?

Well, the consolation for all this is, today, we had a celebration in church, a pre-CNY celebration, in which we had performances throughout the night. The C&C group (college and career group), were asked to preform, and without using much of my frontal lobes, I just said 'yes'. Good idea or not, I can't say for sure.
Anyhow, to make the grandmother story short, we only managed to practice for 2 nights, because of schedule constraint. We played and sang two songs. First song was 'TO then ends of the earth' and the second was 'dui mian the ni hai kan guo lai' by Ah Niu. We were nervous at first, but managed it quite well, except for the last part of the 2nd song, but it was still good because on the band members played the harmonica. Ppl were going wild. Haha.

I'm tired. Here's a pre-pic (before we started). Will post more later. Meanwhile, Happy Chinese New Year.

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