Saturday, February 10, 2007


2007. Much has changed over the years. I had travelled to Seremban yesterday to meet some ex classmates and also celebrate a friend's birthday.

The first comment that I got in as I stepped into my friend's place was, " Eh, you haven't changed one bit. You've not grown fatter, and you still look young."

....... Had no idea how I was supposed to reply to that statement. A thank you perhaps? I was uncertain.

So, I just smiled, and casually replied, "Everyone looks the same also." Except for one or two ppl who seem to have lost weight under sheer pressure of clinical school in Malaysia. Yikes. I think they are more stressed out than I was in third year.

Anyhow, that wasn't the point of my blog. The point is, is that with age, everyone changes. Just not on the outside. Comes to show how much the saying "Don't judge a book by its cover" is true.
My character, my values, my belief system has totally changed in the past 1.5 years. Of course, a short 5 minute conversation, or a night's dinner is not going to reveal that to anyone. I realized that, I'm more and more cynical, and some times, more bitter with conditions. I still do complain, but I find myself to have tendencies to remember things that don't need remembering. I also find that a lot of my values, are based on my own experience, and what I want to do in the future. It has changed a lot from what is used to be. Hmm...

It's funny also to see how everyone's priority has changed. Since most of them are going to start working in about 6months (or thereabouts), quite a few start thinking about the future. Of course, the inevitable talk about who's with who comes about (I'm partly to blame for bringing it up), and, since we are all going to be working as docs, the next step is, what do we want to specialize in. Medical students are so predictable. :p

Ah. So weird is this journey of life and getting older.


Anna said...

"older and wiser"...right? :P

Jonathan said...

"when you meet people you havent seen for ages, most of the time they dont show their change right there. In fact, they have changed, just not showing that part of themselves to you."

Thats what someone told me when I said almost exactly what you've voiced in your post last summer when i was back in msia.