Monday, December 12, 2005


I feel so uninspired, I decided to post one of my latest pics, so that some of you may see if I've gained 'prosperity' or if i'm still a 'pauper'. I don't think I have put on weight, have I ? Do I look fat? hahahha. i'm just joking. Please ignore this first few sentences.

It's that time of the year again. Christmas. I miss home. I miss my friends. I miss the food my mama cooks. Honestly, I'd kiss the ground if I get to go home soon. But all is in vain. Halifax is unfortunately my home now. Well, at least for the next 2 years. Well, at least they have snow here, something Malaysia doesn't have, but even that I'm beginning to dread. jen Ping and Karen (two other M'sian students) and I decided we should go walk around town to see how it looks like when it's buried in snow.

Not a good idea.

I didn't have boots, so by the time we reached the town, my toes were frozen solid! So much for the smart idea of walking through snow at the commons. My shoes for one aren't warm enough and it isn't waterproof. (Yes, yes, I suprise myself with this ingenious moves sometimes too). I'll post up some snow pics soon. When I have them.

Right. Another post that means nothing. Just so that I can turn away from the books for a while. =p

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