Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Ahh... all the christmas shopping. So many hours spent in the shopping centre and yet, I've not completed buying the presents and what not. More money down the drain... haha.

Anyway, that's not the original intent for the content in this blog. I watched narnia today, and for all those of you who don't know, it's a parallel to the christian world. Yes, after alice in wonderland, C.S Lewis became christian, and his writings were very in tuned with the christian world.

The lion, the witch and the wardrobe. (warning: spoiler ahead!!!)

How else can I elaborate this better? I'm not sure myself. From the moment the kids stepped into narnia, I started to associate everything with us (christians).
Aselan (is that the correct spelling?) is basically God, the witch is the devil and the kids are like humans (doh!)

Narnia is basically like the world, and I guess the winter in narnia was basically like all the troubles that we go through in this world. Really appeared to be like the end times. People of narnia was not just suffering from the cold, but were afraid of the witch. Some would do things just to save their own hind, not thinking about the consequences of their actions.

When the boy (Edmund) was tempted to betray his own family for Turkish Delight, I really felt that we all do that sometimes. We give up what's right for things that we find so pleasurable. Even when we know it'll make things worse.
Then came the eldest, when asked to help out, he gave all sorts of excuses; ' oh I'm only a boy' or 'I only want to save my brother'.Doesn't that sound like us when asked to help out in church or reach out to other ppl?

In short, I felt it is a really powerful story. The bit when Aselan sacrificed himself for Edmund (because Edmund had betrayed them and the witch had claimed his life- like the devil who claims all sinners into his dominion), it was really like Christ dying for us. Potrayed very well. Of course, no one would have known this, unless it was explained.

My last msg: all u christians out there, bring your non-christian friend to this movie, and explain to them the scenes after the movie. Good outreach. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the show too, and the books, you should read the books, its very nice (although i am no christian). =P
Its Aslan by the way