Wednesday, March 15, 2006

familiar or family?

I don't know how many times I've been told:

"You look familiar, have I met you before somewhere else?"

I don't know what to take of it. Familiar face. Hmmm.... does it mean:
a) ordinary?
b) special?
c) I give ppl a sense of deja vu?
d) ppl use it as a pick up line (which is bad, because this comes from both male and female, some married too)
e) just something ppl say often.

I have lost count of how many times this had happen. While I've been in Canada alone ? Easily 20 times I would say. Okay. Maybe I'm exaggerating. Whatever.

Or maybe. I've blend into like what on of the doctors here once joked. EVERYONE LOOKS THE SAME. Hence, my theory is, I've become somewhat like a haligonian. It's something like, when you look at me, you think you are looking at the mirror. Comprende?

Oo... I see lots of (one) eyebrows being raised. Guess I'll stop here then.

Tum ti tum.....

Have a good week guys/girls :)


lishun said...

i get that all the time. "eh you look like my friend/sister/auntie." then when i look at the pic, i'm so tempted to say, "nola, i'm obviously prettier..."

deb said...

people are attracted to others who remind them of themselves, so I think it's because everyone wants to think that they look like you and therefore claim that you're familiar so that they actually feel good about themselves because they want to look like you. that's what's going on. it's obvious.