Thursday, November 08, 2007


"As far as the propositions of mathematic refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality". - Albert Einstein

We are essentially creatures of logic. We love explanations, we love to find out why something happens, and more importantly, it must be something that's tangible or physical enough for plain sight to see. For an object to move from point A to point B, we MUST see it move. If by the blink of the eye, it disappears at point A and reappears in point B, the first question that comes to mind is probably: How did that happen? If we saw it move with our own eyes, then it wouldn't have been a problem.

It's been a tough season this past few weeks. Besides feeling a little de-motivated for whatever reason, I've just been feeling lethargic. Maybe it was just hard for me to see past the many obstacles I see before me, maybe I just didn't think some one like me, could be successful.


It's all about faith. Faith ends when doubt begins, and faith begins when doubts end.

There is no logic in faith. Or else, as Ravi Zacharias said in his book, kids will never be able to believe.


Sarah said...

I think all of us tend to degrade ourselves too often. God created us in His own image so we definitely will be successful, however we perceive success! I totally get what you're trying to say. Just don't give up and know that God is in control.Obstacles will always come our way, but keep that smile going. The joy of the Lord is our strength! :)

peasantboy said...

hey sarah. thanks for being my sunshine. seriously. u know. in the midst of all things, i am thankful for friends that God has put in my life. without them? i think it'll be hard :)

Junbug said...

wow this is really good. its true how much we seek explanation for everything for every single thing that happens..why,Lord, (in dramatic fashion) we look up to the heavens above and shout but never humbly we say, thank you Lord for all that has happen. though i don't understand it, but thank you.