Friday, November 02, 2007

God is good! :)

Was told to put this up, and finally have decided to:

Matthew 6:33 says But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness,
and all these things will be given to you as well.

This is a verse long familiar to me, but not something i practiced.
The excuse was always the same: my studies were tough, it was not easy
to pass, and I had a lot of ground to cover. In short, I had a hundred
and one excuses, and never wanted to spend more than the allocated
time I had put aside for God's work.

This season, as I prepared for USMLE, an entrance exam to apply to the
United States, I was really convicted to do more for God's kingdom
first before anything else. I had about 2 months to prepare for my
Step 2 exam (part of the USMLE) and about another 1.5 months after
that to prepare for my Step 1 exam. It was very easy for me to delay
serving in campus ministry as 3.5 months wasn't a long way off right?
However, I was really convicted to be faithful even while I was busy
because, I knew that a lot of times procrastination would only kill
off a desire,

After my 2 month preparation and my gruelling 8 hour ++ exam, I was
finally done. I couldn't tell if I did okay or not, but I committed it
to God. A few weeks later, my results was in my inbox.

I passed! With a 90th percentile. It was a big deal for me, because I
was never an 'A' student, so to both pass and score sufficiently well,
I knew it could only come from God!

The one thing I really learned from this whole ordeal was that if I
honor God, He will honor me too! When I chose to spend time doing His
work, instead of saying "I need to study", He blessed me tremendously.
It was not an easy ordeal to cram almost 5 years of knowledge into 2
months of studying, and at the same time do His work. I truly believe
that if we give God our time and our efforts, and trust in Him, He
will never let us down, as all things are indeed possible with God!
When we seek His kingdom first and His righteousness, many things WILL
be added onto us.

1 comment:

Esther Lau said...

Yay! Congrats Ian!
Praise the Lord!