Tuesday, November 07, 2006


ful·fill also ful·fil (fl-fl) Pronunciation Key Audio pronunciation of "fulfilled" [P]
tr.v. ful·filled, ful·fill·ing, ful·fills, also ful·fils

1. To bring into actuality; effect: fulfilled their promises.
2. To carry out (an order, for example).
3. To measure up to; satisfy. See Synonyms at perform. See Synonyms at satisfy.
4. To bring to an end; complete.

Am I satisfied? Have I brought my purpose into effect? Have I spent my time in such a way that I would truly be able to say that it brings such fulfilment?

The unfortunate event of me playing games for 12 hours (there were breaks in between), shows that I had enough resting. Time to get back to work. Hopefully, I'll feel more fulfilled then.

1 comment:

JWo said...

lol - 12 hours? I don't think I have done that before. But you are right - rest does not equal fulfilled. I think you are truly fulfilled when you accomplish something that you were created to do in the first place.