Wednesday, November 08, 2006

hang ups

I should have but I didn't...

If only I knew earlier... I would have....

Surely, it wasn't my fault... was it ?

But I checked! Maybe if I looked through it again...

Hang ups. We all have it. I wish sometimes, I would be fast enough to spot it earlier, and do it correctly for the first time before something happens, and I lay in my bed full of regret.
This is still a working process for me, but it really REALLY bothers me somedays when all I can think about my mistakes and how I would react diffrently in certain situations.

Yes, I am alive and well, and should be thankful. Just my mind that curiously wanders off, thinking if things would have been different, if only I had acted differently.

It's a vague blog I know. I'm just thinking out aloud, don't mind me.


Jonathan said...

at least you checked. i didn't.

just me said...

Life won't be so interesting if we only knew earlier how certain things would turn out.....and the mistakes committed ( because you didn't know earlier) is part of the learning from the university of life...

peasantboy said...

it is. but we still lament nonetheless...
do we not? haha