Monday, November 20, 2006

in bitterness or in tears?

Ah. It's frustrating. It's so VERY frustrating, that people have truly moved on in their lives when you have not. It's more frustrating when it's truly the one important thing in your life, and you can't quite seem to get there.

I can't stand to settle for second.

AND unfortunately I am. Reading Aiky's mail (yes, Aiky, YOUR mail if you are reading this blog) has made me realized many things. Well. I already knew this, but I knew I had been settling for mediocrity.

Where's that burning passionate relationship for God, the one that I yearned for not only His presence but His word in my life? Has that fire truely diminish? So much so, the effort to try is even no longer there?

Anyhow, congrats Aiky. Well deserved. As all deserves our ends, you truly deserved yours.
It leaves me in question though, what's mine, and am I doing the right thing?


Anna said...

it happens to more people than you can imagine. Scary. But common. Hang in there.

just me said...

Only time will tell...

kh cheung said...

when i write in less abstract terms, when i verbalize exactly what i want, it usually comes out sounding more trivial.

How it is you want to "move on"? What exactly is it that they've got and you don't?
