Saturday, February 18, 2006


Lately, I've been getting real annoyed with certain ppl around me. It's worse when you're nice to them and they are the exact opposite. I know, to love my enemies and to pray for them. Well, this ppl aren't enemies. More like a thorn in my side. Irritating and yet don't know how to deal with it. Sometimes, ppl get the better of me, and I end up trying to do the same thing they did to me. I guess, patience is really a life long lesson. I have lots more to learn.
For those who know me way from before, they'll know what kind of mean statements I'm capable of. Now? I feel like a retarded dummy who can only smile in return when ppll decide to be sarcastic or critisize me.
The agony.

"Need to be more and more like You." the line that sings in my head.

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