Monday, June 12, 2006


FREEDOM! For the white ppl? For the black? For the country that was under imperial ruling for the past 150 years?
Or the kind that allows you to do anything without thinking of the consequences.
Maybe the kind, where you feel you've achieved after coming out of a long exam successful?
As free as the bird in the sky. Without care, without boundaries.

Is that true freedom my friends? The one worth your shout, your joy?

Freedom to do anything,
Not caring, not thinking,
But don't we know?
That this
is the kind of freedom,
that would limit you?

Often we think about the here and now. Not thinking what may happen. Come what may. Bring it on. Etc.
Sure. That's fun. Be the hippy that smokes weed and think nothing, but of their freedom under the tree.
Unforunately, this kind of freedom, is the kind that has bad consequences.

Sure. Sleep around before you are married. Surely, ONE experience is not enough. You won't know who is right for you until you try. And it is my freedom to do what I want. YOU christians have too many rules. Too many things to follow. Why is YOUR God so strict? Chill. I need my freedom. You christians are so uptight.

Like the buzzer that sounds when your given answer is wrong - YOU are most certainly wrong if you think that way.

Arrogant thought you say? I beg to differ. Think about it. Sleeping around has caused many ppl to have children the unplanned way. And the ends to that mean? A shotgun marriage. (I'm not saying that marriage is an imprisonment, but marrying someone you're not quite sure you want to spend the rest of your life is.)
I know what some might be thinking - don't get married then, and not take responsiblity. But that is a topic in itself that will be discussed another time.

What about drugs? Getting hooked on it and never being able to rid yourself of the addiction. Or pornography. Having a computer turn you on, or the tv. BAD.

Is that really freedom? Freedom to do something which will land you in a position that has no more freedom?

God has given us freedom with responsiblities and to be used with discipline. Why ? It's not that He wants to impose rules to keep us on a leash, its because He knows what will happen if we do certain things.
The funny thing is, sometimes we dont' want to do the things He has asked, but when something happens, we ask where is God or why did He do this to us?

Funny. But sad.


Anna said...

amen brother. Freedom is the freedom to choose what is right and to say no to the wrong.

Jonathan said...

erm..ian. What inspired this post, if you dont mind?

peasantboy said...

a sermon jon. a sermon. and my constant frustatration with ppl's arguement that christianity is restrictive

M said...

I like what Frank said once - "Freedome is the ability to do what you do not want to do." Brilliant!