Monday, June 19, 2006

when you stopped searching and started believing

I had this question asked once before, when did you stop searching and started believing (in Christ)?

For me, I never really searched. I didn't have the opportunity to do a life long search and then find out that the truth being preached is indeed the truth, and I had wasted all this years not believing it, but fighting against it. I was lucky enough to believe when I was young, when I felt that it was the most logical, and that nothing I knew, could beat my saviors love for me.

He died on the cross. Simple enough.

Guess not for some ppl. Cause they want to debate, about the exclusiveness, and about the existence of God, etc.

Well, guess what? The question about having to stop searching and start believing?
My question for the rest of you out there who haven't started to believe yet, but still 'searching', is:

When will u REALLY start searching for God, instead of evidence AGAINST God?
I mean, c'mon, you say you are searching for the truth. Are you ? Or are you searching for the your own truth? I always hear that a christians view is bias. Well, join the club. Your search and views can be quite bias too when you search for 'truth' to debunk God. Start widening ur horizons a little more, and you'll find that you will find more evidence for rather than against. When I mean research, I mean, pick up the bible. Read it. With an open mind. I confess. It must be difficult to do so, having a mind that only thinks: there is no God, there is no God.
But seriously. Try it. ask around about stuff that you don't understand. Not stuff to DEBUNK the bible. Stuff that YOU truly want to understand.

I dare you. :)

(This post has no relation whatsoever to current events. Just something I was thinking about since I had that big debate over a forum about God)

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