Thursday, July 20, 2006

being christian

A lot of ppl have this misconception: to be christian, you would have to be good, or else you can't be christian.

How would any one of you read that? I want to begin by saying, christians are humans too. They make mistakes. And the whole point about being christian, is not about being perfect, but it's learning to be more and more Christ like.
It means, we make mistakes now. WE will make mistakes, probably later too.

That's why, we have God's saving grace. We DO NOT save ourselves, but God does. Christ died for all of us, for our sins. And because of that, because of God's abundant grace, we are saved.

By me saying this, I don't mean to say that it is alright for us to continue making mistakes. At some point or rather, we have to change to. Just that, it's sad to see how many non christians nit pick every single mistake a christian does. It is given that the christian should be an example, light and salt to his/her friends, BUT christians are still humans.

To err is human, but to not learn from your mistakes- is to be ignorant.

1 comment:

JWo said...

Well said - I think many non-Christians pick at Christians because of the mis-conception that Christians are on this high horse judging other people of their mistakes.

Now I admit that there are some Christians who fall into this judging category and because they usually get all the media, press, and attention. As a result they misrepresent the population of Christians. However, I believe that as we continue to be transparent, honest and humble non-Christians will understand and see that we are just like them, but saved by grace and changed by the Spirit.