Tuesday, August 15, 2006

the dream

Doctor, pressure is dropping to 60. Pulse is weak. O2 sats are down to 60%.

Quick two large bore IVs. Bolus 1L and start a regular IV of NS at 150ml/h. Change the nasal prongs to a face mask.
Are the pressors ready?

20 mins later...
Heart rate is at 72. BP at 100/70. Sats are up to 88%.

Alright. Good job team. Send him to the ICU with the RT.


Can I say conceited? Haha. Yes, I can. But a dream like this, being able to save lives, may be to much of a day dream and far too unrealistic, this, I can safely say is why I want to do medicine. I agree that aside from emerge docs, this is rare for more other docs.

But hey, what is life without dreams, goals and aspirations. We need something to push us forward daily. This is my encouragement for now. Looking forward and pushing towards this goal.

You know, I'm not ALL that conceited. Fortunately, I decided to save everyone the breath of muttering that I am conceited, SS (M'sian terminology) or perasan (another one), by not adding in parts like: and the handsome doctor bursts throught the doors or lines like, saaving lives.

Hahaha. ;)


lishun said...


you know what the most impressive thing about doctors and nurses is? the ability to spew out acronyms like it's normal speech and understand what every single one stands for. lol.

conceited. bleh.

deb said...

oh dear. you need a hobby. :)