Sunday, August 20, 2006

u know u are...

You know you are really good at killing roaches when you've killed about 15 in one night alone. There may be even more. I don't know. My point is, there's just too many roaches in my apt, and there are only two hands of mine. I cannot keep killing these roaches, or can I ?

I've tried my best today to clean my apt, it's still in a mess. I no longer want to make more effort than I have to. I have thrown out the rubbish (not mine), send stuff to recycle (some are mine) and cleaned a little around the kitchen. Heck, if I feel generous, I'll do some more tmrw. But, in all honesty, I cannot wait to have my own apt one day, where I keep it clean and no one else can make a mess. It's simple.

Right now? I'll just keep killing roaches. The roaches just will have to tell their extended family members, that papa roach is sleeping with the fishes tonight, kepish?

Time to celebrate by going to bed. ZZZ


JWo said...

okay, that is gross - even though you told me at church today already. You should blog about the one you found in your cereal floating in your milk...

Feel for you bro - living on your own is freeing and a good experience cause you start to care a lot about your surroundings.

BTW - we still have to celebrate you coming back by playing some games...

deb said...

that. is. so. dis. gus. ting. ew.

reminds me of the time some malaysian students (no hard feelings to malaysians though, that was stated as a fact) moved to live upstairs of our house (long time ago) and they had croach eggs in their suitcases and within a month our house was completely infested with roaches. I have had gross cereal incidences too. the worst was when ant season came along and the place was crawling with roach and ants. one night, I was woken up and subsequently witnessed a roach vs. ant showdown by my head. it was so nasty! I didn't know which to kill first.

M said...

AHHHHHHH!!!! Gross!!!
I've seen maggots by my neighbor's bag of dog poo that they prefer to leave in the hallway rather than the dumpster, and mice that infested my grarage when we agreed to keep a friend's "non-perishibles" for a year!
I say go on killing them roaches and buy poison to kill them in mass numbers!! I hate creepy crawly things!!! Ewwww!!!

peasantboy said...

hahaa. thanks for the sympathy. that blog about the cereal is coming up..
it's going to be called
you know you are... part 2

yes... roaches are bad.... actually, they are starting to become good friends. we play tag all the time see...
