Wednesday, August 23, 2006

u know u are... part 2

You know you can join fear factor and win, when you eat your cereal and you find that there's a roach floating in it. In all truth, I should NOT have eaten it, because when i first poured the cereal, a raoch jumped out. But, not wanting to waste the cereal, plus i didn't really have anything else to eat, I continued eating. First thing I noticed was that the cereal was soft, prob due to the one month of being opened and not touched. Then there were some crunchy bits (!!!???). Getting a little paranoid, I started looking into my bowl of cereal for signs of life. Alas, poor Mr Brownthing was dead and floating in my milk.

COugh cOuGh.. VomIT!

That was then, when I knew my apt was infested with cockroaches.
Oh wait. I already knew that.

1 comment:

JWo said...

OK, that was gross, even though you told me about it already. Ian, you can come over and eat some time...