Sunday, July 15, 2007


Sundays, are the days before Monday. The day before the week starts, before the onslaught of incoming work (be it classes or real work).
It starts off slow, and quiet, unlike all other mornings of the week, then a slow afternoon, incomparable to any other afternoons, the kind where one can just relax, doze off in the heat, while perfect Sunday afternoon music croons in the background.
Sunday night ensues, and this is the time I gather my thoughts. Just before Monday blues hit, and time just zooms by.

Somehow, no matter what, Sundays are special, even with the imminent Monday. I think about what I want to do with the rest of my week, I think about things that happen in the past, places of special memories revisited, mistakes and errors I need to learn from my personal history of fumbles and falls.

The only reason I'm probably feeling so 'emo' right now is because I'm listening to Angela Aki's "Kiss Me Goodbye". Kissing the past of regrets goodbye, I guess?

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