Saturday, January 27, 2007


Today, was a good day. Being the last day in Indiana, I went out with one of the Malaysians here. We went shopping, altering her wedding gown, then lunch and more shopping. As always, I appreciate the chance to sit and talk about life, discuss about things that we face or have faced.

Prior to this, not too long ago, I used to be able to tell, instantly, whether it was wrong or right. These days however, these days, I'm not sure what falls within the shades of black and the spotless white. Matters have fallen into the grey area. I, no longer certain of what's right and wrong, can no longer place my opinion in matter as clearly as I used to.

As I step out more of the world that I used to know so well, the more unclear my vision, my line of sight on things, comes to a blur. I no longer tell someone, that something they do is wrong. I can only say, it's hard. It's hard to tell someone, that something they did, is not in keeping with God's law. Maybe after a while, after feeling like one as fallen, they can't tell between what's right and what's wrong. Or they don't want. How can the wrong judge the wrong? Or even at that correct the wrong? Or is it because one becomes more and more nonchalant, and just isn't bothered. Or perhaps, it's because, as you grow old, you become less and less passionate about the things around you, only in the things that involve you.


On a brighter note, I bought myself a french press. Good coffee coming my way. Soon. Good book, Good music. Now good coffee.

1 comment:

JWo said...

I don't think these days are any different then "those" days when things seem more clear cut black and white. I think society has lost its foundation in the Bible (strayed away) and thus things are more grey because of it.

I believe the more people are knowledgeable about God and His ways, things will be easier to judge. Last week at church, we did a study on community and accountability and learned how we are to judge those in the church with the intention of restoring that brother or sister in Christ back into doing what is right. Judging for the sake of condemnation is wrong. 1 Cor. 5; Matt. 18:15-17; Romans 14

However, there is still grey areas in life - especially on specific things the Bible does not address, but has laid out principals that we can use to interpret.