Monday, January 15, 2007


Ah. Patience. The past few days, with the short, but expressive few posts, there was a certain amount of escalating anger in me. A long time ago, I remember trying to work it out, to be a more patient person. But just as of late, I find myself getting angry over the smallest thing, and I started becoming very quick to judge, and very quick to throw a fit.

This weekend, I spent time with a senior from medical school, who had her boyfriend's neice over staying with them. I was amazed to see how patient and well they worked in controlling her behavior. No frustrations despite the little girls tantrums and at the same no compromise. I was amazed to see how two people, about my age, are caring for a 5 year old.

It brings me back to the whole point of being more patient, being less selfless. Not that I want to have a kid anytime soon (I don't think I can bear the responsibilities nor can I sacrifice buying what I want vs what the other person needs. Am I anywhere close? I don't know. I don't know if I really want to find out either.

The new mantra on top of 'have to be single' is - 'I have to be patient and respond appropriately'.

'I have to be patient and respond appropriately'.
'I have to be patient and respond appropriately'.
'I have to be patient and respond appropriately'.
'I have to be patient and respond appropriately'.
'I have to be patient and respond appropriately'.

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