Friday, June 08, 2007

back for only so many days and already...

Already more than a dozen thigns to complain about. Drivers not signaling when they drive, the heat, horrible internet connection.... among the many things that I have been complaining about, aloud or silently. Although, I've told myself to stop complaining, I'm finding it hard. I guess I'll survive, if I really want to, and somethings can't be changed, and hence I'll just have to live with it.

Today, I joined my ex-uni's lifegroup to observe (for those in Canada, the life group is like the cell group, or like our fellowship). It was really different. The one thing I enjoyed in Canada, is the discussion we had. Though, I have to say, the person who led today, was quite a good teacher. I just wonder if everyone really listened and paid attention. Hard to tell when no one really responds, but looking back at how I used to be one who would sit and listen to the cell group leader talk or teach, I can understand how hard it is to get through to people sometimes. Especially when you have someone like me, who only likes to remember things when it's of importance.

I call it, saving my memory space. :p

It's odd how I treat my brain like a hard disk with only so much capacity.

Moving on to other topics, just a few more days and I'll be able to open my guitar case. My fingers are itching already.

Only one thing remains, how should I serve my local church here?


lishun said...

oh haha if you thought THAT life group was quiet...wait till you come for mine. like seriously. pin drop silence. haha.

and please lah. stop complaining lah. see ya later.

peasantboy said...

sheesh weren't u supposed to be studying?
i like complaining. read the title of my blog... or rather the subtitle.


Anonymous said...

you complain???......never!

peasantboy said...

u know ah ders.... sarcasm isn't going to get u anywhere.. hahaha