Saturday, November 19, 2005

just chillin' out

2 more minutes to 12am. Chilling in my room listening to pure jazz. This is indeed relaxing. I always wondered what ppl do when they sit down and chill out. I recollect my thoughts about the week and what I'd like to do better for next week. My number one plan is always to study harder, but unfortunately I fail to do so, week after week. Haha. I'm just getting old. And kids are just wearing me down. Or it could be I'm just lazy. I choose the former to console myself.

Just in my thoughts recently, is: when did men start to forget or defy God? I know. It may be boring to all those of you who visit this blog often enough, but unfortunately, my life is not that interesting, and I'm constantly filled with questions as such.
Sorry if you think this is boring. :p

I believe it started before Noah's time even. That's why God wanted to rid this world of people. Then the second time round was after Moses went up the mountain.
It stretched all the way till today... amazing.
What befuddles me most, is that ppl say they are open to everything and yet so closed and clamped up when one tries to share the gospel or anything that has the word God in it. How open is that? It's really frustrating sometimes. Leads me to thinking, how to love this ppl and not give up on them? The only thing encouragement I get is that I know God really loves these ppl very much, and if He does, they should be important to me too no?

Matthew 11:15
15He who has ears, let him hear.

Sadly, many have ears, but are not functional in a sense. It's like speaking to a deaf ear.
My question is only, when will they start realizing that God's been trying to speak to them for a long long time already?
Bah, open mindedness.

For all you other Christians out there, this was one interesting question that I was asked though, "when did u stop asking and started believing? and why did u start believing?"
A good question to review with not just other ppl but yourself. I hope everyone knows why or when Christ entered their lives.

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