Tuesday, May 30, 2006

the clock ticks


Ah. Final week in Moncton, and it's already Tuesday. For those of you who already know my plight, you'd understand my simple joy of going back to Halifax. Yes. The Halifax that I once thought to be dreadful as well.

It is bad when most of the day you are hanging out with people twice your age (no offence to my doc, he IS fitter than I am), but it would be nice to have my peers around. Or my guitar. My bed. My own internet connection. My PS2. You get the drift. I've been down this alley before. I won't be watching TV anymore. No more temptation. (As you can see, it's one of those love hate relationships, love to watch TV, but hate how it's eating up my time).

Just yesterday I was thinking about personal history and how I myself was still 'highschool-ish' when I was in university. I remember how I'd trust a certain someone when he told me what he had heard. It was unfortunate enough that I trusted him, but it was worse when I acted out because of it. That was me. Naive. And trusted ppl easily. I guess in a way it is good. I'm so insistent this days to see it for myself. It's bad a person, but good as a doctor.

Man. Where's the fine balance in that ?

Why am I talking about this ? It's just something I've been observing these days. Whether it's talking to ppl or reading posts in a forum. We all dont' act logically, no matter what we think. We all say, yeah, I've thought it through. But have we really. Take me in the case of above. I didn't think the information through. I just followed my heart and instincts that if a good friend told you this, it must be true.
Humans are not logical beings. Sorry, I stand corrected. Humans are not efficiently logical beings. A lot of times, our decisions are compromised by our feelings. Disagree? Try calming down first, and then reread my post. Then sit down again, when your absolutely feeling free, and contemplate. :)

I'm sure you'll agree then.

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