Thursday, May 04, 2006

the emotion rollercoaster

Just two words will describe my title. Short stay unit. Okay. I lied. But I'm sure in me doing so, I have caused you, from being serene, happy and calm to cursing, angry, antsy and soon enough, you'll be vowing to write me a long letter about the perils of lying and that I should be telling the truth.

Well. Maybe not. I guess I'm just over exaggerating. Or am I? Haha.

After meeting with patiens that have traits from Cluster B Personality Disorder, my oh my... it was a rollercoaster in itself for me who was just listening and observing. I kid you not. Let me list them out for the benefit of those who don't know psychiatry or psychology.

borderline=the indecisive one.
"Should I go home? But what if I try to commit suicide again? Do you think it'll be safer if I stay here? I think I'll be safer. But then again, I want to go home. But i'm just so afraid I'll have this this thoughts and I'll harm myself. I think I should stay." The patient is on the border. Not knowing to which way. Good or bad? Cry or laugh. Indecisive esp when coming to dealing with crisis.

histrionic=the drama queen.centrefold... oops I mean centre of attention. ;)
"It was ALL her fault. I was innocent. I was so helpful, I trusted her and gave her everything. Now she hurt me and tore my heart apart. I'll never be whole again. NEVERRRRRRRR..... "

narcistic=the high and mighty. You are dirt and should be thankful that he/she is treading on you. Only once the best.
"Well, I was here to see Dr X. I only see the best. If I talked to you, it would be a waste of my time. I'm a busy man you know. Can't afford to waste this time like this. Time is money. But since you've asked so nicely, I shall indulge in your little questions. What DO they teach medical students this days... tsk tsk"

antisocial=basically the kid that was the rascal that never quite grew up. Laws and rules mean nothing to him.
"Well *@*&% you for holding me prisoner here. I don't care about your rules. I come and go as I see fit. Why did I break the chair? Because I didn't it. NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. BUZZ OFF!"

Of course, just to CYA, this aren't real conversations from patients. This are made up in my attempt to describe the patients.

Honestly? By the end of the day, I feel so drained from having to deal with so many types of ppl. Interesting indeed. But drains me somehow. 1.5 weeks to end of psych. Hope I don't go cuckoo by then. Oops. Said the 'C' word. :p

1 comment:

Anna said...

People drives me INSANE!

..."I am slowly going crazy. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. switch. Crazy going slowly am I. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. swithch."...