Friday, May 26, 2006


Well, if anything at all, I didn't want to turn this site into a b****ing site, but who am I kidding? My title says it all.

The one thing which I was extremely not pleased about was, someone calling me irresponsible after I've apologized for my mistake. Sure, I gave one too many excuses, but to say I'm irresponsible and not accept my apology, and also my promise to make it up to that person, this totally makes the blood rise right up to my neck.
And dude, even if you want to fault me, don't make up lies. I know how well you lie, and it IRKS me. UGH!

Tsk tsk. Sometimes, it feels horrible to do the right thing. To have to back off and not say anything. To be the polite one and say "Yes sir" when that person is directly pouring crap all over you. Sorry dude, if you read this. But this time, I'm not holding it in anymore. I cannot tolerate it when ppl try to step all over me. I am NOT a floor mat, nor am I a carpet. If you are having a power trip, go trip on something else. Go scold your wall, your toilet bowl, your dishes, whatever that floats your boat. DO NOT pour it on me. Okay? Doesn't mean that because I've been nice, I won't beat the living day lights out of you.

Sorry to all those that may be shocked by this post. I just couldn't tolerate it anymore. Please, I'm asking you nicely, don't try to step on me like I'm dirt. I'm human too. Unless, this is how you treat all humans.

1 comment:

Anna said...

sigh. it's a tough one. Sometimes you think that being a christian means being a doormat. Once you stand up for yourself...they'll say that "'re a christian but you're not very nice..." It's tough dude. It's a fine line to walk. Darn life. Come on Jesus. Come please :)