Monday, October 23, 2006


First of all, I had to choose between topics. Anyway, instead of writing another whine post about myself, I decided to write about some thoughts, fresh from my mind in the past few days (waitaminute, that's not so fresh now isit?).

Just a recollection of responses, that I get from people when I respond in a certain fashion to certain situations.

"Haha. That's so mean Ian."

"Oh, I'm not mean enough, let's get Ian to call, maybe he can get a better compensation out of this."

Or just the popular stare, and a response that goes like this:

Yes, all those times I plainly responded that I was merely being blunt, and that was who I was. I like being truthful, and sometimes, it irks me so much that I cannot swallow it. Pride? Perhaps, but honestly, I do like to speak what's off my mind. Of course not in all situations, especially when I know I can't worm my way out of it. But sometimes, I'm less careful with matters, and I let it slip off my tongue.
SOMETIMES, I can feel it coming from the back of my head, like a small cloud rising from the horizon, brewing into a storm. Or something to that extent.

Honestly, with comments like those coming up, I don't think it's so cool anymore to respond the way I do. But to keep quiet or say something some other way, feels like a lie to me. I guess matters can be put more delicately, and not as harsh. Or can it?


Anonymous said...

i admire those who speak their mind. bluntness is not a flaw because it shows honesty! "mean" isn't the right word..."tough" is more accurate. ...and you shouldn't feel like you have to lie.

deb said...

tact is not lying. tact is speaking the truth in love. real love. love for the other person. love so that this truth would help this person grow... in a loving way.

sometimes I wonder if I try too hard to be tactful and miss out on being completely truthful. but it's hard for me to say what is on my mind because really, I don't trust that everything that comes from my mind is all truth and going to be said with love. you know what I mean? my mind is full of pride and anger and malice when some situations present themselves so really, tact helps me to remember that if I am to speak truthfully, it must be done with love which would mean giving up my pride, anger and malice.

anyway, I think about this a lot. especially lately.

peasantboy said...

ah..... yes. with tact. but it is hard to have tact at all when one is tested. then comes in patience, love, humility.
all which has to be worked on.

but lots on my mind lately. my next topic when i have the time to write has been on my mind lately too.....

lishun said...

blunt = tactless. it's not the same as being frank or honest. there's a fine line between meanness and honesty.

it's great that you choose to tell the truth over a glossed-over version of whatever answer your friends would prefer, but learning to be tactful? that'd be priceless. =)

JWo said...

I agree with deb and lishun - tact is a skill that is learned and valued. Tact will get you many places where bluntness will never get you. i know cause I'm not tactful and I have people show me tact and i understand a little better now.