Tuesday, October 10, 2006

moving on

Lately, this is my recurrent theme. LATELY, all I can ever think about is moving on. When I was younger and I had many problems, I used to think, just a few more months and I'm off to the next place.

Obviously, I wasn't the best person to sit down and sort through my problems, and instead of carrying out peace talks to resolve situations, I run. I think, until now, I'm still not far off.

Now faced with uncertainty, all I want to do is to run off to somewhere else and the next phase. It's even weirder when you feel settled but it's time to move on again. I believe in my life, it'll be a long while before I settle and call some place home. Truth is, I don't want to move to another place anymore. The stability of things would be good for my soul.

Where am I going? The fog before my path gives me no certainty, and obviously I am just plain stuck. Lost without a map. One day at a time, perhaps ?

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